Daytrip’s reading picks: What’s been happening in travel lately? December 4

2 min readDec 4, 2020


Every day, we see all sorts of new articles from the travel industry. Many of them are interesting. Every two weeks, the number of new articles amounts to exactly one gazillion. So to save you from having to read them all, we cherry-pick the ones that caught our eye and share them with you. These are our favourite articles from the last two weeks.

Optimism on a brighter 2021

Let’s start with some positive news! Members of the United States Tour Operators Association are optimistic and reporting an increase in bookings. Also, a full 98% of members who responded to the latest USTOA poll said they intend to restart operations in 2021

Vaccines being approved

Countries around the world are approving the vaccines and introducing vaccination plans which will hopefully be beneficial for the travel industry and will help to slow down the pandemic significantly.

U.K. Approves Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine, a First in the West

Trump Covid vaccine czar says U.S. should be able to immunize nearly a third of population by end of February

Rome airport to offer COVID-tested flights to U.S. with Delta, Alitalia

If you plan to fly from New York JFK, Newark or Atlanta to Rome, Fiumicino, the airport will offer you taking a test for the coronavirus. From December, passengers flying between Rome and some U.S. destinations can be tested for the coronavirus 48 hours before departure and on arrival at the airport, to avoid the mandatory 14-day quarantine Italy imposes on incoming travellers.

Christmas Markets will look different this year

Due to the current situation, most of the famous European Christmas will not open this year. But the cities are not losing their charm as most of them install the Christmas decorations even this year.

Get in the Christmas mood from home with the pictures from previous years.




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